A new book titled “Politics of Education in India: A Perspective from Below by Dr. Ramdas Rupavath, faculty in the Department of Political Science & Head, Centre for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad will be published by Routledge Globlal Edition from London. The book has foreword written by Professor Werner Menski Emeritus Professor of South Asian Laws SOAS, University of London, UK

This book studies the state of tribal education in India. India has the single largest tribal population in the world, yet the tribal community remains one of the most economically improvised and marginalized groups in the country.


Dr. Ramdas Rupavath

The Book:

Examines the educational status of the tribal population and studies developmental issues such as unemployment, illiteracy, caste discrimination, and inequality faced by the community.·  Studies the implementation and execution of welfare schemes, initiatives, and reforms in place to tackle issues faced by tribal students and identifies loopholes in the various centrally sponsored schemes;·  Emphasizes the importance of the Right to Education Act and presents policy implications for the educational upliftments of India’s very many millions of tribal people.

A critical study of the Indian education system, the book will be indispensable to students and researchers of education, education policy, minority studies, indigenous study, sociology of education, and South Asian studies.

More information about Professor Ramdas Rupavath at https://uohyd.academia.edu/DrRRamdasRupavath