Dr. Balaji, a UGC Post-Doctoral Fellow working under mentorship of Professor N. A. Khan at the School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, has published two books titled “Competitiveness of India’s Agricultural Exports: in the Post WTO Regime” and “Productivity of Agricultural Karnataka: Evidence from Major Crops”, by the renowned publisher in Economics, the Academic Foundation, New Delhi.

Dr. Balaji

About books:

  1. Competitiveness of India’s Agricultural Exports: In the Post WTO regime

This book evaluates the competitiveness of India’s agricultural exports in the Post-WTO scenario. The analysis covers the evolution of the government policy related to agriculture trade and its impact on the structure of agricultural competitiveness of exports, price volatility, and revealed comparative advantage. A critical component of the study relates to the effect of external trade on the farm income and welfare of Indian farmers. This study, with in-depth analysis, develops a roadmap and policy framework to address the bottlenecks. The book caters to the needs of the wider audience. The book is useful for students and researchers interested in understanding trade and agriculture. This rigorous empirical work will be of particular interest to the people in policy decision bodies and trade development agencies. This lucidly written, yet analytically rigorous book will be informative for the general readers, interested in knowing about the agriculture trade.

  1. Productivity of Agricultural Karnataka: Evidence from Major Crops

The book presents role of agricultural growth in achieving national goals, which include, providing of food and nutritional security, reducing rural poverty supply raw material to major industries and earning foreign exchange among others. A number of analyses have examined the trends in agricultural productivity of important crops. The book’s main focus is on growth, cropping pattern and price dynamics of important crops and supply response and projected availability of food grains in the state of Karnataka. On the whole, the book ignites considerable interest to the researchers of agricultural economics. It will also be useful to the policymakers and all those concerned about Karnataka’s agricultural prospects.

About Author:

Dr. Balaji has been associated with the School of Economics, the University of Hyderabad since 2009. He obtained his Doctorate in the year 2015. His research interests are International Economics, Agricultural Economics and other developmental issues. He has published more than ten research papers at National and Global peer review journals. He is also a lifetime member of Indian Economic Association.