On 23 January 2024, Prof B J Rao, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hyderabad (UoH), unveiled two bronze busts of great Indian physicists Sir J C Bose (1858 – 1937) and Sir C V Raman (1888 – 1970) sculpted by Prof Subhasish Dutta Gupta who served at the School of Physics of UoH for more than three decades before his superannuation. The busts were unveiled at the School of Physics in presence of the Dean Prof K C James Raju, faculty members, staff, research scholars, students, and guests.
While Sir C V Raman is well known for the Raman effect, Sir J C Bose is well known as one of the fathers of wireless communication, in particular, for the first demonstration of the transmission and reception of the millimetre (radio) waves.
Prof Subhasish Dutta Gupta is a renowned physics teacher and researcher in the areas of optics. He is also known for his photographic and painting skills. He learned sculpting while he was pursuing PhD (Physics) in Soviet Russia during the late 1970s.
Having the bust of Sir J C Bose in a Physics Department/School is very rare in the country.