A book titled “Colonial Education in India 1781–1945” edited by Prof. Pramod K. Nayar faculty at Department of English, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been released by the Routledge India.
Prof. Pramod K. Nayar teaches courses in Literary Theory, the English Romantics, Postcolonial Literatures and Cultural Studies. His interests lie in English colonial writings on India, Human Rights narratives and Cultural Studies, with a consistent publication record in these areas. Among his most recent books are English Siege and Prison Writings: From the ‘Black Hole’ to the ‘Mutiny,The British Raj: Keywords,Brand Postcolonial: ‘Third World’ Texts and the Global, The Extreme in Contemporary Culture, Human Rights and Literature, Bhopal’s Ecological Gothic, The Extreme in Contemporary Culture His work has appeared in journals such as Modern Fiction Studies, South Asian Review, Jl. of Postcolonial Writing, Jl. of Commonwealth Literature, Ariel, Changing English, Jl. of British Studies, Prose Studies, Studies in Travel Writing, Journeys, Biography and other international journals.
About Book:
This 5 volume set tracks the various legal, administrative and social documentation on the progress of Indian education from 1780 to 1947. The documents not only map a cultural history of English education in India, but capture the debates in and around each of these domains through coverage of English (language, literature, pedagogy), the journey from school-to-university, and technical and vocational education. Produced by statesmen, educationists, administrators, teachers, Vice Chancellors and native national leaders, the documents testify to the complex processes through which colleges were set up, syllabi formed, the language of instruction determined, and infrastructure built. The sources vary from official Minutes to orders, petitions to pleas, speeches to opinion pieces.
The collection contributes, through the mostly unmediated documents, to our understanding of the British Empire, of the local responses to the Empire and imperial policy and of the complex negotiations within and without the administrative structures that set about establishing the college, the training institute and the teaching profession itself.