The Centre for Study of Indian Diaspora (CSID), School of Social Sciences (SSS) at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) organized a distinguished lecture on 20th October 2021 on the topic “Complicating the Diaspora-Nation Relations” delivered by Professor Dibyesh Anand, Head of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Westminster, London.

What is diaspora? Which diaspora? And how the diaspora connects to the nation-state? The entire gamut of questions signals a very complex issue which Professor Anand brilliantly analysed by citing some major examples of diasporic communities from all over the world, importantly being the Indian diaspora. What is the Indian diaspora and how does it relate to the Indian nation-state? He argues that the relation between the diaspora and the nation-state is not a linear one. Diaspora and nation-state are social processes and discourses. The lecture was chaired by Professor Chandrashekhar Bhat, former Head of the Centre for Study of Indian Diaspora.

Contributed by Dr. Ajaya K. Sahoo, Associate Professor & Head, Centre for Study of Indian Diaspora, SSS, UoH