Devina Sarwatay, Senior Research Fellow (UGC-NET) and Ph.D. Scholar under the guidance of Prof. Usha Raman at the Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad has been selected to be part of the Media Education Lab, Harrington School of Communication and Media, University of Rhode Island, USA as a Graduate Student member.

Devina Sarwatay
The Media Education Lab advances media literacy education through research and community service by emphasizing interdisciplinary scholarship and practice that stands at the intersections of communication, media studies and education. Founded and directed by Prof. Renee Hobbs, the lab has two primary goals:
- Providing public programs, educational services, community outreach and multimedia curriculum resources targeted to the needs of educators and learners in school and after-school settings.
- Developing and implementing a multidisciplinary research agenda to explore the educational impact of media and technology, with a focus on digital and media literacy education as an expanded conceptualization of literacy.
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