On the eve of Dhanvantari Jayanti, on November 17, 2017 the Department of Sanskrit Studies, School of Humanities organized a lecture on a titled ‘Relevance of Ayurveda’, by Prof. Shyamanna, Faculty in the School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH).
Prof. Shamanna, in his speech, mentioned that Ayurveda is an ancient medical science, which has got lot of contemporary relevance. Customizing the treatment based on tridosha is spoken off in Ayurveda since ages, while this concept is adopted in modern medicine recently in the name of personalized medicine. Ayurveda is a science of medicine which is not limited to any community or religion as there are statements of evidence that it was advocated and practiced even by many Buddhist and Jain scholars. While other systems of medicine focus only on the administration of drugs, Ayurveda brings in a holistic approach by bringing in the concept of life-style management that would prevent risk factors, thus leading to prevention of diseases themselves, which all together lead to the wellness of mankind. It emphasises on dinacharya rather than talking about disorders and their treatment.
The other systems of medicine that includes Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, etc., should be brought within reach of a common man, by making them available in all the primary health centers in India. The concept of inclusive medicine can be adapted to utilize the best of all the medical systems in the effective treatment of a patient.
Earlier, Head of the Department, Prof. J.S.R. Prasad, gave an invocation address mentioning the importance of Ayurveda. He reminded that this is the second consecutive year of celebrating the National Health Day by the Department of AYUSH. The lecture was attended by research and post-doctoral scholars.
– By Prof. J.S.R. Prasad