Dr. Chetan Srivastava, Associate Professor at the School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad was invited by the Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce (HNCC), Solapur, Shivaji University, Kolhapur as a Key Note Speaker at the National E-Workshop on “Quantitative Research”, on 11th April, 2022.
Dr. Chetan Srivastava delivered a talk on “Introduction to Quantitative Research & Areas of Research in Commerce and Management”. The Seminar was conducted online on Google Meet and YouTube Live. Over 250+ participants across the country attended.

Dr. Chetan Srivastava
The talk began with the introduction to the research, types of research, need, importance and social relevance of research, which was followed by the role of research as value addition to the body of knowledge, classroom teaching, guiding scholars & students and for publishing. It emphasised on the quality and social relevance of research. It included the research in social sciences, commerce and management. The varied traditional and contemporary areas of research in these fields were discussed while focussing on Quantitative Research as well as the numerical quantification of data for interpretation and analysis.
The talk also included the UGC mandate for bringing in quality in research, assessing quality of research, role of publications, pros and cons of current trend of publishing for the sake of API, ghost publications, pros and cons of citations and the impact factors, and the reality check on the research and publications being undertaken.
Dr. Srivastava also spoke about the ethics and values in research, proposed 7Rs of Quality Research, namely, Relevance to both academia and society, Responsible to solve social problems, Refreshing the knowledge, Reforming the old knowledge for current, Revenue Generating for the Society , Resourceful for the future generations and Replication to the diverse areas, along with the 7Cs for academic excellence.
In the end Dr. Srivastava discussed few current hot areas of research in commerce and management.