Dr. Shree Deepa, Associate Professor, Centre for English Language Studies, University of Hyderabad has written a book chapter titled “Learning Through Assessment in Anthrogogic Contexts: Wash-Forward” with Geetha Durairajan, retired Professor, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. The chapter constituted an essential section in the international edited volume Emerging Practices for Online Language Assessment, Exams, Evaluation, and Feedback, edited by Asli Lidice Gokturk-Saglam, University of South-Eastern Norway and Ece Sevgi-Sole, Yeditepe University, Istanbul.

Dr. Shree Deepa
About the book
Emerging Practices for Online Language Assessment, Exams, Evaluation, and Feedback investigates the main challenges of online language assessment when migrating from an in-class to an online environment. Covering key topics such as parental involvement, self-assessment, and language learners, this premier reference source is ideal for administrators, policymakers, industry professionals, researchers and students. More details about the book can be accessed here: Emerging Practices for Online Language Assessment, Exams, Evaluation, and Feedback: 9781668462270: Education Books | IGI Global (igi-global.com)
About the chapter
Dr. Deepa and Prof. Durairajan’s co-authored chapter charts the wash-forwards gained by the teacher authors who learnt through assessment in the process of teaching an online English language proficiency course that was offered to adult students in mainstream higher education classrooms. Though the primary context was the online teaching context during Covid-19, the implications are for regular offline and post-Covid classrooms. More details about Dr. Deepa’s chapter can be accessed here: Learning Through Assessment in Anthrogogic Contexts: Wash-Forward: Education Book Chapter | IGI Global (igi-global.com)
Dr. Shree Deepa teaches at the Center for English Language Studies, University of Hyderabad. Her teaching and research interests lie at the intersections of ELS, language teaching, teacher training, pronunciation, inclusivity, indic education, materials production, syllabus design and testing. Apart from the teaching and research supervision, she is also serving as the co-PI in the Institute of Eminence (IoE) project “Indian Research Methodologies (IRM) from Sanskrit Texts: Multidisciplinary Applications in Higher Education Spaces”. For more details, refer to her Researchgate profile: Shree Deepa (researchgate.net)