Mohammed Fariduddin a former student of the University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been elected as the General Secretary for National Human Rights and Social Justice Commission (NHRSJC), New Delhi for Both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State. Fariduddin completed his MA in Political Science in the year 2003 and also served as the General Secretary of the UoH Students Union for the year 2003.
Fariduddin who is presently an advocate says that he wants to work for getting justice to the needy and poor people.
Fariduddin as part of the NHRSJC will be involved in promoting organisation of forums such as co-operative societies, mandals and association of women, youth and workers with a view to undertake collective activities for socio-economic development. Organize educational and vocational training programme with special concern for deprived sections, women/girls and unemployed youth to provide new skills, refine/sharpen/upgrade the existing skills leading to employment, self employment and income generation.
The aims and objectives of NHRSJC can be found at