568 persons vaccinated on first day

A Free Covid19 vaccination drive for the University of Hyderabad (UoH) fraternity was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. B J Rao in the presence of Prof. R.S. Sarraju, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Shri. P Sardar Singh, Registrar, Dr. P. Rajasree, Chief Medical Officer, UoH and Dr. K. S. Ravi, Assistant Medical Health Officer, Serilingampally at the Zakir Hussain Lecture Hall Complex, UoH on 7th September, 2021.


The camp has been organised by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), Circle 20, Serilingampally in association with the University of Hyderabad Health Centre, UoH National Service Scheme (NSS) and Office of the Dean-Students’ Welfare on the campus.

Both Covishield and Covaxin doses were administered to students, staff, faculty and family members.

568 persons got vaccinated at the camp. The camp will continue at the UoH campus on 8th September 2021.