Mr. Sunny Mannava the successful scholar; is currently in the fourth year of his PhD, researching on Health economics related to child eye health outcomes under the guidance of Prof. B. R. Shamanna from School of Medical Sciences. He has a landmark publication on ‘the economic burden of blindness in India’ related to his PhD work already. He has been successful in securing this talent award to pursue part of his PhD supplemented through an academic research grant from Orbis International. As part of the Future Research Talent (FRT) 2023 award, Sunny would be working on an area similar to his PhD research and strengthening his research portfolio and landscape over a period of 12 weeks during mid-2023.

Sunny Mannava
Sunny would work with Associate Professor Jane Desborough at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, College of Health and Medicine, ANU, Canberra, Australia during this period. Professor Desborough has research interests in consumer education & co-production research and quality measurement in health care which Sunny has worked on in his doctoral research.
Prof. Geeta K Vemuganti, Dean of School of Medical Sciences, lauded the scholar for his consistent good performance and bringing laurels to himself and the school. Prof. Chetan Srivastava, Dr. Alok Kumar Mishra, and the office staff of OIA facilitated the application process seamlessly from the university side.