Mr. K Gnana Pratheek, a student from the Integrated Masters in Chemical Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) has secured a seat in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Sustainable Catalysis (EMJMD SuCat) for the year 2023, a two-year Intra-European Mobility program. He has been awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship of 49,000 Euros, which shall cover all costs, including participation, travel, and living allowance throughout the program.
SuCat is organized by a consortium of three Universities and Graduate Schools across Europe:
• University of Poitiers in France (UP) offering specialization in Heterogeneous Catalysis.
• University of Aveiro in Portugal (UA) offering specialization in Bio-Catalysis.
• University of Rovira I Virgili in Spain (URV) offering specialization in Homogeneous Catalysis.
The University of Poitiers is the coordinating institution of the SuCat Consortium. Europe today is home to over 4000 higher education institutions, from top-level research establishments to small, teaching-focused colleges, with more than 17 million students and 1.5 million academics, including 435,000 researchers. Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are prestigious international masters jointly designed and delivered by a group of higher education institutions. They involve at least three institutions from at least three countries and multiple associated partners from the academic and non-academic worlds. Under this program, one can study and conduct research in at least two universities in different European countries and obtain joint, double, or multiple degrees. Typically, they include periods of study, research, traineeship, thesis preparation, and defense.
Pratheek has also been selected for M.Sc. in Chemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, and awarded a fellowship worth 7000 NIS/month, for 21 months, for his living allowance. He has also been offered partially funded and self-funded seats in EMJMD Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (ASC) and EMJMD Surface, Electro-, Radiation, and Photo-chemistry (SERP+), respectively.