The School of Social Sciences at University of Hyderabad is celebrating the Golden Jubilee of its inception in 2024. The School has contributed immeasurably to the credibility, visibility, and relevance of the University. It has done so by standing for truth, civility, decency, and the primacy of intellectual endeavour. In this journey, the students and teachers who have made the School of Social Sciences their home have shaped and nurtured these values over the years.
The School will begin the Golden Jubilee celebrations with a series of lectures (in collaboration with IoE). The first series starts on Tuesday, 16 February 20224 at 3pm at the CV Raman Auditorium and continues till early April. The first lecture in the series by Professor Aishwary Kumar will be inaugurated and chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor B.J. Rao.
The Golden Jubilee Tea-time Short Talks series also begins on 22 January 2024 with the Vice-Chancellor speaking on the subject of ‘Biology is fuzzy, but fascinating!’ at 4pm at the New Seminar Hall in the School of Social Sciences.