Ms. Deepa Gupta, a Ph.D. scholar working under the guidance of Dr. Sachin Bhalekar from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad, has been awarded the best paper “Grunwald-Letnikov Award” in the theory category for the work presented at the “International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications“, Ajman University, UAE. IEEE and Ajman University sponsored the conference, which was held from March 14-16, 2023.
The paper presented by Deepa entitled “Can a Fractional Order Delay Differential Equation be Chaotic Whose Integer-Order Counterpart is Stable?” deals with the analysis of fractional delay differential equations (FDDE). The order of the derivative can be an “arbitrary” number in the fractional derivative. It has the ability to model the memory properties of natural systems.
The complete bifurcation analysis of the FDDE is presented for various values of fractional order and the delay . The striking observation is an example which is chaotic for but stable for . This cannot be observed in the fractional differential equations without delay. The paper is available at

Miss. Deepa Gupta receiving award from Prof. Shaher Momani (Coordinator of the conference) and Prof. Virginia Kiryakova (Head of the Awards Committee)
Miss Deepa received the travel grant from University of Hyderabad under the Institute of Eminence scheme to attend this conference.