Ms. Hazeena T, a doctoral student in the Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad has been selected as a Future Research Talent (FRT) scholar as part of the 2023 FRT program at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia. The FRT is a competitive and prestigious programme that attracts the very best international students from high-quality Indian institutions and offers a valuable opportunity for India’s emerging research talent to form international linkages and develop research skills at one of Australia’s best universities.

Hazeena T
Hazeena has been working on Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) and Community Media under the supervision of Prof. Vinod Pavarala, and has been a research assistant with the UNESCO Chair on Community Media. She has completed her ethnographic fieldwork for her Ph.D. and is currently analysing her data. The AUD$7000 award allows her to spend 10-12 weeks with the research team of the UNESCO Chair in Science Communication for the Public Good headed by Prof. Sujatha Raman at the Australian National University.