School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) jointly with the E-Learning Centre hosted a guest lecture by Prof. Momna V. Hejmadi on November 24th, 2017 around 9:30 am. The theme of the lecture was “3 Essential Steps in Developing Institutional Strategies in Online Learning”
Prof. Hejmadi is a Professor in Biological Sciences at the University of Bath and an Academic Lead in technology enhanced Learning. Being a Specialist in e-Learning, she has developed some online courses in Biological Sciences.
The lecture which was focused on the strategies required for initiating online courses was extremely informative for the audience especially the faculty in various Schools of the University of Hyderabad.
Initiating her lecture Prof. Hejmadi conveyed her gratitude to University of Hyderabad for inviting her. She further elaborated about her own University, i.e. University Of Bath in United Kingdom and invited the audience to visit the beautiful place.
She focused her lecture on how Indian Universities also can opt for E- Learning strategies keeping the framework of University of Bath in mind.
Elaborating on the Institutional approach to E- Learning, she discussed about the three major steps institutions needs to keep in mind. First, to develop an Institutional strategy, second to develop a road-map with an actionable plan, third and very important is to consider the entire student experience during this e-learning process.
She emphasized on the fact that the crux of this method is to make learning process more interactive and not technologically bulky.
She also pointed out a contemporary issue of overusing social media and said, “Students should use social media for learning and not for friendships.”
Her own initiative at University of Bath is called ‘Inside Cancer Course’ which is a 4-week course. The course gives an interactive insight on the Cancer disease.
She ended her lecture with a hope of collaboration between University of Hyderabad and University of Bath in order to promote this e-learning process in bio- sciences.
The Speakers details are available at
Monika & Swati
Department of Communication