Life/Writing brings together essays that represent the author’s contribution to the field of Life Writing/Studies over the last decade and a half. While reflecting the major themes and shifting trends in Life Writing/Studies, the essays deploy a variety of frames of analysis including theories of Life Writing and biography writing, studies of the testimonio genre, ideas of precarity and precarious lives, and disability studies. The texts used for analysis range from Dalit autobiographies and ‘autobiogenographies’ to neurogothic life writing and graphic narratives. Extending and challenging the conceptual vocabulary, semantic scope and analytical boundaries of Life Writing/Studies, the volume is testimony to a sustained, deep and nuanced engagement with the field.
This book has been written by Prof. Pramod K Nayar, Professor of English at the University of Hyderabad. Pramod Nayar’s contributions consists of British India: English Writing and India (Routledge 2007), Colonial Voices (Wiley-Blackwell 2012), The Great Uprising (Penguin 2007), Indian Travel Writing in the Age of Empire (Bloomsbury 2021), The British Raj: Keywords (Routledge 2019). Besides these he has numerous collections: The Penguin 1857 Reader (Penguin 2007), The Trial of Bahadur Shah Zafar (Orient BlackSwan 2007), Days of the Raj (Penguin 2009), Women in Colonial India (5 volumes, Routledge 2014), Indian Travel Writing 1830-1947 (5 volumes, Routledge 2017), English Siege and Prison Writings (Routledge, 2016), The Imperial Archives (5 volumes, Bloomsbury, 2022).
Pramod Nayar also holds the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies in the Department of English.

Prof. Pramod K Nayar