Ms. Nimisha Sinha, pursuing her M.Phil in the Department of English, University of Hyderabad with a project on J.M Coetzee under the supervision of Anna Kurian and Pramod K Nayar, has been selected for a Ph.D. program at the State University of New York, Binghamton, USA, with Teaching Assistantship and a tuition scholarship.

Nimisha Sinha

Ms. Sinha is the THIRD student from the Department of English in the last one year, 2020-21, to have a Ph.D. admission with full funding offered at SUNY, Binghamton, after Ms. Shruti Jain and Mr. Kaushik Tekur who joined their Ph.D. program in 2020.

In her M.Phil at UoH, Nimisha is working on issues of violence and consumption in the works of J.M Coetzee. In her Masters at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, she worked on the personal and social aspects of food in English literature. Her essay “ ‘I see what I have been dreading’: Witnessing Food and Violence in Waiting for the Barbarians and In the Heart of the Country” was published recently in The Digital Literature Review 8.1 (2021), published by Ball State University.