Nrityalayam, a Kuchipudi Dance Institute run by Mrs. Sudha Vemuri and Teluguvahini, a literary cultural organization of Toronto came together to conduct Nrityavahini a three week long intensive Kuchipudi workshop by Prof. Aruna Bhikshu, Department of Dance, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication, University of Hyderabad (UoH).


The sixteen participants were mainly beginners and new comers to the field of dance. The group also included Canadian citizens from different lineages like Telugu speaking, Bengalis, Sri Lankans. Basically it was catering the Telugu dance form to various cultural and lingual groups.


The valedictory function showcased a three and a half hours performance of traditional Kuchipudi repertoire with solos and duet pas de dux which received a standing ovation from audience.


The Guests of Honour of the evening were Ms. Deepika Damerla (MP, Canada) and Mr. Deenababu (Board Member, Silicon Andhra). The performance was dedicated to the Guru of Prof. Aruna Bhikshu and Mrs. Sudha Vemuri, Late Sri Yeleswarapu Surya Prakasa Sarma.