The University of Hyderabad (UoH) has instituted two Memorial Awards, in honor of Prof. Gurbaksh Singh (First Vice-Chancellor of UoH) and Prof. A Srikrishna (First Ph.D. awardee of UoH), with the support from Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences (DRILS).

These awards namely (1). Prof. Gurbaksh Singh Memorial Award (above 55 years of age) and (2). Prof. A. Srikrishna Memorial Award (below 55 years of age) are given each year to the faculty of the University of Hyderabad who spent minimum 5 years of service in the University with outstanding contribution in their respective fields and whose work has been a foundation for academia-industry interactions/translational research with societal relevance and application.

Prof. Ashwini Nangia from the School of Chemistry and former Director of NCL, Pune, has been chosen for the Prof. Gurbaksh Singh Memorial Award and Prof. Ashok Karumuri from Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, School of Physics, has been chosen for the Prof. A. Srikrishna Memorial Award. These awards will be given every year (subject to the availability of suitable candidates during University’s Convocation). Each award carries a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) along with a plaque.


Prof. Ashwini Nangia                                                                                   Prof. Ashok Karumuri

An expert committee consisting of heads of national institutes made the selection for the above awardees.