Prof. K.K. Kailash, Department of Political Science, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) has become a member of the Editorial Board of the journal, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Taylor and Francis

Prof. K.K. Kailash
Established in 1961 and published quarterly (four times a year), Commonwealth & Comparative Politics is the premier comparative politics journal in Britain and the Commonwealth. It has consistently ranked in the global top third of the Sociology and Political Science, and Political Science and International Relations journal categories ( The Journal primarily publishes research on Commonwealth countries that is of general significance for the field of comparative politics or which addresses issues in international relations directly relevant to the study of the Commonwealth and its 53 member states. It also publishes work on other states where it is of importance for comparative politics generally or enables comparison with Commonwealth countries. The main criteria for publication is that the articles present original research or an original viewpoint. All manuscripts are submitted directly to the Co-Editors and, subject to their initial appraisal, are then blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous, expert referees.
From its inception the Journal has been recognised as a world leader in research on the evolution of the Westminster Model and the politics of small states and has consistently sought to publish research in all important emerging fields within comparative politics, including international political economy and comparative judicial studies.
Scopus metrics:
· 1.1 (2021) CiteScore
Commonwealth and Comparative Politics is abstracted/indexed in the following sources: African Education Research Database; CABI; EBSCO Historical Abstracts; E-Lib Bremen; Emerging Sources Citation Index; NAVER Academic; National Library of China; Scopus; Thomson Reuters Emerging Citations Index