Indira Gandhi National Center for Arts (IGNCA), the leading Cultural Institution of India that ‘seeks to place the Arts within the Natural and Human Environment’ has invited acclaimed scholar, Prof. Sachidananda Mohanty of the Department of English, University of Hyderabad, currently the Vice-Chancellor of Central University of Orissa, to deliver the prestigious Suniti Kumar Chatterji Memorial Lecture on 30 January 2018 at New Delhi.
The lecturer is organized every alternate year by the IGNCA. So far, eight memorial lectures have been delivered by the following distinguished academics: S. K. Verma, Debi Prasanna Pattanayak, S. R. Banerjee, Vidya Niwas Mishra, Uday Narayan Singh, Indra Nath Chaudhury, C. Rajendran and Probal Dasgupta.
Prof. Mohanty’s books have been published, among others, by the Oxford University Press, Sage Publication, Routledge and Orient Longman. He is the winner of several national and international awards and has 29 books to his credit.