Professor Sudhakar Marathe who passed away on 24th February 2022 after a brief illness, was an established scholar in English literary studies, a translator, theatre-director and teacher. Known for his enthusiasm for classroom work, anthology-preparations and the English language – domains in which he established a formidable reputation, Professor Marathe was also a teacher-trainer, as many faculty in the Department of English would affirm. He served as Head of English and Dean of the School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad. His Shakespeare productions in the 1990s brought together students from various disciplines and the Twelfth Night performance was loved by all, as also that of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A brilliant administrator, Professor Marathe streamlined the processes of examinations and assessments, the Entrance Exam, and the nitty-gritty of the everyday functioning of this high-profile Department. He also brought many collaborations, notably the British Council, to the Department, and peers.

Professor Sudhakar Marathe
A nature-enthusiast and way ahead of his time in this, Professor Marathe created a Nature Club, coordinated campus walks, documented its animal life, and worked towards environmental and conservationist agendas.
A dynamic and effervescent personality, full of grace, charm and a steely determination, Professor Marathe has left his imprint on the Department, its curriculum, its teachers and students. His loss is a loss for the field of literary studies but also of Humanities on the whole.