Ms. Ramya Chitrapu, a doctoral research scholar in the Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad presented a Paper “Holding the public officials accountable: A Case of Right-based Public Service Delivery in India” in the virtual panel on “Public Policy and Public Service Delivery” in the 5th International Conference on Public Policy-(ICPP 5) Barcelona. ICPP 5 was jointly organized by the International Public Policy Association (IPPA) in collaboration with the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) in a hybrid format from July 5 to July 9, 2021.

Ramya Chitrapu
Ms. Chitrapu also co-chaired the virtual Panel on “Public Policy and Public Service Delivery” in the ICPP 5 which had researchers and scholars from institutions like Competition Authority of Kenya, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre de recherche on en dynamiques administratives et politiques (CERDAP), American University, and katholieke Universiteit Leuven present papers on various country-specific public policies and other topics like public trust and citizen satisfaction. She was also awarded the IPPA grant for her participation which covered the registration fee and other related expenses.
Ms. Chitrapu is presently pursuing her research in governance and public service delivery under the supervision of Prof. E. Venkatesu, Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad.
The International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) is a biennial conference and one of the most important international Conferences in Public Policy which witnesses participation of thousands of researchers and scholars from across the world. Nearly 1,300 participants from across the world including academicians, policymakers and bureaucrats participated in the hybrid format of the ICPP 5 and presented on the various developments in the field of Public Policy.