A condolence meeting to remember Prof. Aurora was held on Monday 12th September at 4 pm in the Sociology department as The faculty fondly remembered him and former students shared some lovely bits of information about Prof. Aurora who passed away on 3rd September at the age of 91 in Bangalore. Prof. Aurora was one of the faculty members who laid the foundations of the Department of Sociology at the University of Hyderabad. He was the Head of the department for many years, and the Dean of the School of Social Sciences from 1988-1991.After retirement he was at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, (ISEC) Bangalore. He had a MA in Economics from London and a PhD in Social Anthropology from Delhi University where he worked under the guidance of the renowned sociologist M.N.Srinivas. He was the chair of the governing board of the Deccan Development Society. He authored the following books The New Frontiers Men, 1967, The Tribe Caste Encounters, 1970 Technological Change and Industry, 1971, and Theory and Practice of the Transfer of Technology, 1993.

Prof. Aurora
Prof. E Haribabu, Prof. Aloka Parasher Sen, Prof. Vinod Pavarala, Prof. Aparna Rayaprol and Dr. V Janardhan, were among the faculty who spoke on the occasion about his contributions to Sociology of Development and Science Technology studies and his contributions as a teacher. Dr. Sharada who was Prof. Aurora’s PhD student and fondly shared her rich experiences with the faculty.