A new Handbook titled “Routledge Handbook of South Asian Migrations” has been published by Routledge, London. The Handbook was edited by Professor Ajaya K. Sahoo of the Centre for Study of Indian Diaspora. The Handbook provides a comprehensive understanding of how South Asians negotiate and promote South Asian culture both within and outside the region while undergoing several challenges during the process of migration. The chapters in the Handbook were written by leading scholars from across the world from various disciplines including sociology, history, anthropology, economics, political science, geography, education, psychology, literature, and cultural studies. For further details: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-South-Asian-Migrations/Sahoo/p/book/9781032355443

Prof. Ajaya K. Sahoo
“This rich, capacious collection of twenty-five essays accommodates a variety of important perspectives on South Asia’s culture of migration, the politics and economics of mobility, and the management of migration. Importantly, immobility is also factored into the analysis. Highly recommended.”
–Khachig Tölölyan, Professor of English, Wesleyan University, USA & Founding Editor, Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
“This Handbook draws on a global collection of scholars to illuminate the extent and diversity of the South Asian global diaspora, from more familiar stories of migration to the Gulf to less documented migrations of Tibet, Nepal and Assam. Interdisciplinary, historically and empirically grounded and theoretically diverse, this volume offers an indispensable guide for scholars and students alike.”
–Becky Taylor, Professor of Modern History, University of East Anglia, UK
“This Handbook is an invaluable resource. It will be essential for anyone interested in learning about the diversity and complexity of mobile South Asians who have created mixed communities in many countries in the twentieth century. Its authors represent a wide range of locations and orientations, providing a good sense of the perspective diversity that animates research, policies, and popular media concerning migration.”
–David Ludden, Professor of History, New York University, USA
“This is an impressive and comprehensive collection of essays that highlights the scope and scale of transnational migrations within South Asia and from South Asia across the world. Bringing together historical and contemporary case studies in an interdisciplinary perspective, this volume is rare in its wide-ranging collective look at both the better-known emigrations out of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and making visible the less-known migration histories of Nepal, Tibet, and Sri Lanka.”
–Sana Aiyar, Professor of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA