Prof. Chennupati Jagadish, Distinguished Professor, Head of Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group, Department of Electronics Materials Engineering at the Australian National University, Canberra and recipient of Companion of the Order of Australia, Australia’s highest civilian honour, visited the University of Hyderabad. He delivered the University with Potential for Excellence (UPE) Distinguished Lecture on “Semiconductor Nanowires for Optoelectronics and Energy applications” on 28th October 2016. He drew attention to the need for collaborative research between Institutions in the two countries, in particular to the Australia – India Strategic Research Fund and to the Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Endowment for Visiting Students and Scientists from Developing Countries.
During the course of his talk, Prof. Jagadish conveyed the excitement in research on Semiconductor Nanowires and their applications. He explained that the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors envisaged that Nanowires would be one of alternatives to build more complex Integrated Circuits. Semiconductor nanowires show great promise in building more efficient solar cells and hydrogen production from water for future energy needs, tiny lasers, terahertz detectors and engineering the growth of neural networks or brain cells.
The programme attended by the students, faculty and staff was chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Appa Rao Podile.