Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Vice-Chancellor, University of Hyderabad (UoH) inaugurated a special computer facility for the visually challenged students at the College of Integrated Studies (CIS) on August 15, 2014.


The Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI), has sponsored desktop computers and Jaws software installations as part of its corporate social responsibility activities. Mr. Anand Kumar, the Deputy GM, MIDHANI was present at the occasion. Prof. Ramaswamy while thanking MIDHANI for this support also requested them to look at other ways of empowering differently-abled students on the campus. Mr. Anand Kumar said that MIDHANI will work on collaborating with the University in future under similar schemes.


The visually-challenged students demonstrated the operation of special software installed on computers to the Vice-Chancellor and the guests present. Prof. Ramaswamy later interacted with the students, faculty members and staff and emphasized upon the need of creating effective support system for differently-abled people. He appealed to the faculty members to make use of this specialized computer facility and help the students with their pro-active involvement in creating course content in supported formats.

Present on the occasion were Prof. Sanjay Subodh, Dy. Director of CIS, Dr. Rajagopal, Chairman, Empowered committee for the differently abled persons, Prof. B Raja Shekhar, Prof. Deshasish Acharya and other guests and students.

-Kumar Ashish, Research Scholar, School of Economics