In the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2017 (a National event), which took place on April 1st and 2nd 2017 in various parts of the country under MHRD, GoI, the MTech students of University of Hyderabad (UoH) performed well. In this event three teams from School of Computer Sciences participated [One team from M.Tech and two teams from MCA]. Each team comprised 6 members and was accompanied by two faculty members as mentors.

[Team –1: Team Prototype, M. Tech CS/AI/IT, Problem Category: Dept of Biotechnology]:

The team participated in Bhubaneshwar and the mentors who accompanied the students are Dr. Digambar Pover and Dr. Avatharam Ganivada. This team stood sixth and was given a cash award of Rs: 25,000/-.

Student participants:
Team Leader V S Yashaswi Athreya
Team Members Ajay Bhattacharjee, Marreddy Krishna Chaitanya Reddy, Srisoujanya R, Rohit Shanker Gavval and M Vara Prasad

Team – 3 participated in Ahmedabad – took 6th position and their effort was well appreciated.

Team – 6 participated in Guntur – did not get any ranking but the contribution was well recognized and many people inquired about their work. Media also interacted with the group.

Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice Chancellor, UoH congratulated the students for their meritorious work and appreciated the efforts of the faculty who have guided/accompanied the students for the event.

On behalf of everyone in the School, Prof. Arun Agarwal, Dean said, “The efforts of the students have helped the School to gain recognition and the junior students should feel proud and motivated by this success of the senior students.”

[Team-3: Sindria Generals, MCA, Problem Category: ISRO Problem Code #ISR46]:

The team participated in Ahmedabad and the mentors who accompanied the students are Prof. B. Chakravarthy and Dr. S Durga Bhavani

Student participants:
Team Leader MVS Ravichandra
Team Members Amit Ranjan Srivasatava, Shruti Suman, Ruchi Singh, Garvit Kumar Srivastava and Saurabh Kumar Prajapati

[Team -6: Holistic Hooligans, MCA, Problem Category: Students Voice]:

The team participated in Guntur and the mentors who accompanied the students are Dr. Salman Abdul Moiz and Dr. PSVS Sai Prasad.

Student participants:
Team Leader Himanshu Soni
Team Members Shamik Chakrabarty, Soumil Mishra, Hardeep Singh, Prince Babbar and Deimaphi Langi Wanswett