Suman Damera, an alumnus of Department of Political Science, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad has been appointed as Assistant Professor in Department of Public Administration in Pachhunga University College (PUC), Mizoram Central University.

Suman completed his Ph.D in October 2021 under the supervision of Prof. Ramdas Rupavath, completed his Under Graduation, Post-Graduation (Integrated MA) and M.Phil from the same Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad. He has published in several scopus-indexed and UGC care listed journals from his research work on understanding and theorizing the intersections of caste and class in the Indian context and also published papers related to public policy. He has attended conferences and Workshops on international platforms.

Suman Damera with Prof. Lalthanzara, Principal of Pachhunga University College

Suman has been awarded National fellowship by University Grants Commission. His areas of research interest include Caste Politics, Public Policy, Contemporary India Political Process and Social Movements. He also served as the elected General Secretary for the Students’ Union 2016-17 at University of Hyderabad.