Mr. Sethupathy Mahendiran, a student of 4th year IMSc Physics, at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been selected for the University of Alberta Research Experience (UARE) Internship Programme. The duration of the program is from May to July 2019, at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Mr. Sethupathy will be working in the Lab of Prof. Yunjie Xu, at the Centennial Centre for lnterdisciplinary Science and he will be working on the spectroscopic study of chiral molecules. At UoH Mr. Sethupathy Mahendiran contributed to the establishment of a cost effective pump- probe experiment in Laser Lab, School of Physics under the guidance of Dr. N. Sri Ram Gopal and Prof. Narayana Rao Desai. He is also one of the student coordinators of Junior Science Club, College for Integrated Studies, UoH.