Two alumni of the University of Hyderabad (UoH) are closely working with the T Works to develop a Low Cost Ventilator that can be used in the current crisis situation Mr. Venkata Rahul S studied M. Sc Electronics from the School of Physics in 1998 and went on to found ConserVision Technologies, the company involved in this effort. Rajnikanth Sabnekar, Rahul’s colleague is also working on this project and is an M. Tech in Computer Science (2014- 2016) from UoH.

Mr. Venkata Rahul S
ConserVision is incubated at the Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurship (TIDE) at UoH, and works on Energy Management Products, leveraging the Internet of things.

Rajnikanth Sabnekar
The Ventilator is being designed to meet the respiratory needs of acute Covid cases. The prototype is a BVM based device but is now being expanded to support various modes (SVIM and CVM) and to be used with Oxygen supply cylinders or hospital supply lines. The cost of the ventilator is expected to be between INR 65000 and 100,000.