Mr. Mahesh Admankar, a former 5 year Integrated MA post graduate from Economics, College of Integrated Studies (CIS), University of Hyderabad (UoH) was selected with a full fellowship to participate and present a Science diplomacy research at the International Summer Program at University of Bergen, co-organised with Norwegian School of Economics and NORCE Research Center in Norway.

The main objective of this program is to connect research to the science and policy making to meet the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable development goals of United Nations especially the Climate Action. Towards this, Mr. Mahesh was invited to present his research work on “Climate Change under Capitalist system: a study of droughts and farmer suicides in south India”.

Though hailing from one of the disadvantaged communities in Telangana state, Mahesh owes his success to the liberal and inclusive education at University of Hyderabad with distinguished faculty, friendly staff and diverse student co-learning environment.