In the valedictory session of the two days national conference on 25 November on ‘75 years of Public Policy – A Retrospective Analysis’, Prof. Nirmalya Bagchi, the Director General of Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) delivered the key note address. He proposed for a collaborative Post-Graduation in Public Policy and Governance. The Vice-Chancellor of University of Hyderabad, Prof. B. J. Rao agreed for virtual Centre for Policy Research in University. However Prof. Prakash C Sarangi, who was presiding over the conference, said that University of Hyderabad has got all the resources for launching Post-Graduation and Centre for Policy Research. He also stated that to meet the global needs, it is essential to focus on Public Policy and Governance.
Department of political science, University of Hyderabad organised as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav with the financial support of Indian council of social sciences research and Institute of Eminence, University of Hyderabad. The two days national seminar was co-ordinated by Prof. E Venkatesu and Dr. D Veera Babu.

More than 100 delegates have participated in the deliberations of the seminar from different states like, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Assam, Punjab, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Pondicherry. The delegates also are attended from State and central universities and prestigious institutes like Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), and Indian Institute of Sciences (IISC), Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) – Lokniti, New Delhi, and Civil Society Organisations.
During these two days deliberations, there was an inaugural session, two plenary sessions, ten technical sessions, and among them one was online session and Valedictory session.
The inaugural session was chaired by Professor. R Limbadri, Chairman, Telangana State Higher Education Council. Prof. Kham Khan Suan, the head Department of Political Science, extended the warm welcome to the participants. Prof. E. Venkatesu, The co-ordinator of the conference highlighted the papers, which were supposed to be presented. The papers broadly focussed on Public Policy as discipline theoretical frameworks and empirical aspects. During inaugural address Prof. Limbadri raised a question that whether public is having a role in the making of Public Policy? He said that broadly those people who are having control over knowledge and power, elite groups, market forces, academic institutions and civil society activists, however, in this process people are missing in the policy making.
In the plenary session on 24th November, Prof. Philippe Zittoun, the General Secretary of International Public Policy Association, addressed the gathering through online. He has appreciated the national seminar on 75 years of Public Policy in India. He explained the role of IPPA in consolidating the emerging trends in public policy across the world and promoting as an academic discipline. IPPA has been establishing network of Public Policy institutions in the world to work together.
Prof. Sanjay Kumar, Director, Centre for Study on Developing Societies (CSDS) – Lokniti, spoke about the relationship between electoral politics and public policy. He critically analysed that the caste, religion, leadership etc. are playing important role than the policy issues in the elections. He has substantiated his argument with sufficient empirical data.
Prof. G. Haragopal, the former Dean of School of Social Sciences highlighted the historical evolution of the public policy in post-independent India. He said that Indian Constitution is the legal document that has mandated the Indian state to make pro-active policies, however, the changing socio-economic and political conditions in the country shifting the policies in favour of corporate forces. The plenary session was chaired by Prof. Mukul Saxena, the founder professor of the Kautilya School of Public Policy.
In the plenary session on 25th November, Prof. Mrudul Nile, University of Mumbai examined the policy cycle approach in the Indian context. Prof. Ajay Gudavarthy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, discussed the relevance of nudge theory, while referring to Government of India focus on sanitation (Swach Bharat) and Man-ki-Baat. Prof. Mukul Saxena spoke about the neo-institutional approach to understand the public policy in India. In the policy making multiple institutions such as state, civil society and market have been playing predominant role. He also highlighted the framework for policy making in the context of neo-institutionalism while covering human rights, inclusion, exclusion, climate change, sustainability, disasters, risk etc. the session was presided over by Prof. E. Venkatesu.
In ten technical sessions, the important topics which are covered broadly classified conceptual framework of public policy such as patronage, clientelism, populism, welfarism, neo-liberal policy, the waves of public policies in post independent in India, empirical social policies, public policy education, sanitation policies, population policy, the rural development, employment generation, youth policy, education policy, student loan policy, climate policy, tribal development policy, women empowerment, cyber security, data and technology, artificial intelligence in transfer of benefits, digital governance, one nation – one ration card policy, public-private partnership, financial technology sector, policy initiatives of bureaucracy, street level bureaucracy, disaster management, public health, right to public services act, right to internet access and regulation process of internet in India.
From the inputs of the seminar there are certain implications at the university level and at the national level:
1). There has been a growing demand to introduce post-graduation in Public Policy and Governance.
2). In order to enhance the competencies of students in research, opting for the collaboration with the public policy organisations such as ASCI, ISB, Kautilya School of Public Policy.
3). Consultation with the public, private and civil society organisations to generate the employment opportunities for the younger generations, who are specialised in public policy.
4). A centre for documentation and research on public policy.