Annapurna Sinha, Ph.D. Research Scholar at the Department of Communication, S N School of Arts and Communication, University of Hyderabad(UoH) has been invited to present her paper at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2019 Conference to be held at the School of Communication, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain during July 07-11, 2019.

Annapurna Sinha will be presenting her paper “Reading Community Newspapers as Radical and Critical Media: A Study of Namaskar’s Advocacy Practices for Social Change in Puri District of Odisha” in the joint session of Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) and Community Communication and Alternative Media (COC). Annapurna is currently carrying out her doctoral work on Community Newspapers in India under the guidance of Prof. Kanchan K. Malik.