Shivanjali Mishra, an Integrated Masters student in Language Sciences from Center for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been offered the prestigious scholarship in Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL+).

EMCL+ is the Erasmus+ Mundus Joint Master Degree programme in Clinical Linguistics, offered by University of Groningen (Netherlands), University of Potsdam (Germany) and University of Eastern Finland (Finland). EMCL+ offers a 24-month full-time interdisciplinary and transnational university programme at the Master level providing integrated training in experimental linguistics, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics and clinical linguistics.

The aim of EMCL+ is to train highly qualified advanced students who will be widely employable. Not only are students excellently prepared for research work and PhD programmes in the above fields, they will also be widely employable in the R&D and clinical sector, thanks to the inclusion of representatives from these sectors as associated partners in the programme.

Shivanjali did her schooling from Holy Cross School, Darbhanga and joined University of Hyderabad for the Integrated Masters program in Language Sciences.

She has choosen EMCL+ because of the course structure.

Shivanjali says, “Clinical Linguistics, though understated, does play a crucial role in facilitating our understanding of Language production and perception. I would like to study this from the perspective of Western European Linguistics, where it all began” .

“The future of Indian Linguistics requires a different perspective of language cognition. The subjects offered in this program are specifically in line with such goals. Additionally, the mandatory study abroad semester provides a great grounding to further experience divergent cultures and exchange knowledge. Since it is offered by three prestigious universities of three different countries, I would be exposed to the European Approach to Linguistics, and that too of three different linguistic areas”, she adds.