School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) is organising the International Conference on Frontiers in Comparative endocrinology and Neurobiology 2014 (IC-FCEN 2014) from 25th to 28th November 2014.


Significant advances have been made in the areas of comparative endocrinology and neurobiology using diverse animal species as model organisms, with its research impact on frontier areas of modern biology. New concepts with emerging trends and crosstalk between endocrinology and neurobiology have further facilitated interdisciplinary research using tools of functional genomics and proteomics. Besides modern techniques, variety of animal models themselves provide opportunity and make basis for designing strategies for translational research in comparative endocrinology and neurobiology. Hence, there is a need to convene a meeting under a common platform wherein leaders in the fields, pioneering and young scientists from India and abroad to discuss the scientific advancement made and further develop new strategies for translational research in comparative physiology, endocrinology and neurobiology. Keeping this in view, Indian Society for Comparative Endocrinology in collaboration with Department of Animal Biology, School of Life Sciences, and University of Hyderabad has taken an initiative to organize International Conference on Frontiers in Comparative Endocrinology and Neurobiology-2014 (IC-FCEN 2014).

Eminent scientist Prof. Kazuhiro Ikenaka from National Institute of Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan is giving inaugural key note lecture, other international speakers from USA and Japan includes Prof. Subba R. Palli, Prof. Kautsiko Ono, Dr. Koichi Okuzawa, Dr Yukinori Kazeto, Prof Hiroshi Ueda, Prof Makito Kobayashi and other distinguished speakers from India, Dr. Subeer Majumdar (NII, Delhi), Dr. Arun Ninawe (Advisor, DBT India), Dr. C. K. Murthy (Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Karnataka, India) Prof C M Chaturvedi (President, Indian Society for Comparative Endocrinology) and Prof A Jagannadha Rao from IISC Bangalore and others eminent faculty from India including members from School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad are giving distinguished talks and chairing various sessions during the conference.

For details contact Organizing secretary: Prof. B. Senthilkumaran on Tel. +91-40-23134562 (Lab) +91-40-23011854 (Res)or email: or

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