The School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) organised the Dr. Yellapragada Subba Row’s Memorial Lecture on August 16, 2017 which was delivered by Dr. P. R. Krishnaswamy at the Sir C V Raman Auditorium.
Dr. Krishnaswamy, a distinguished scientist from Centre for Nanoscience’s & Engineering, and National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru while delivering the lecture reiterated Dr. Row’s contribution, his visits and interactions with people who worked with Dr. Row, and how he was inspired to follow his role. His talk was on the Usefulness of “Useless” knowledge in the advances of Modern Sciences.
Dr. Krishnaswamy emphasized quoting unique examples that the general public perception on any basic research is considered as useless, unless their applications were revealed, has to change. He said many discoveries in history such as X-ray and nutrition were targeted to develop their functions in one field, however, accidently they have been noticed for their usefulness in other fields. He further advised students to get inspired by reading the classic publications in literature and know the history of human ways and understand the era of golden history for modern medicine.
Dr. Krishnaswamy also discussed about importance of bio-semiotics, computational physics and mathematics work in the modern era which would be instrumental in understanding the essential regulations and biological process through an integrated approach. He shared in brief his contribution related to estimation of glycosylated HB and role of ornithine pathways in metabolic diseases He also appealed to the Vice-Chancellor to undertake Medical Courses, since UoH is in a unique position in view of its rich diversity of academic programs and expertise. He advised students to have curiosity to reveal the hidden answers through research and follow the footsteps of legends like as Dr. Yellapragada Subba Row.
Earlier Prof. Geeta K Vemuganti, Dean, School of Medical Sciences gave the welcome address and introduced Dr. Yellapragada Subba Row and his innumerable contributions emphasizing on his method of estimating Phosphorus in body fluids, synthesis of Folic acid, developing methotrexate for treatment of cancer, discovery of tetracycline’s etc., despite his professional and personal challenges.
Vice-Chancellor Prof. Appa Rao Podile welcomed the speaker and conveyed that it has been University of Hyderabad’s tradition to honour the contributions of Indian origin Scientists and reiterated that Dr. Krishnaswamy is a firm follower of Dr. Yellapragada Subba Rao and applauded his contributions to the Science. The Vice-Chancellor presented a token of appreciation to Dr. Krishnaswamy and thanked him on behalf of the University for accepting the invitation for delivering the lecture.
Prof. P. Appa Rao presided over the program while Dr. Nagaraju Konda, faculty in the School of Medical Sciences proposed a vote of thanks.
By Dr. Nagaraju Konda