Prof. K. E. Dharanidharan of Pondicherry University gave a talk on traditional Research methodology of India on 24th November 2015 at the University of Hyderabad. Professor Dharanidharan’s speech was based on the Indian traditional schools and disciplines of Mimaamsa, Vyaakarana, Nyaaya, Ayurveda etc.
Traditional Indian research or studies have always focused on the highest principles of Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha. Starting with Vedas to the most recent traditional approach including as part of Saahitya shastra (literary science) have always emphasized on Pramaana based and Ukti based approach which have connected back to the Vedas of time immemorial. There were never been any education attempt in India where only the learning aspect is highlighted, rather the Samskaara (mental disposition) and its refinement of the student reflected in thought, speech and action, etc. Unlike today where ‘commercial’ motives dictate the state of research, in the past the value of thoroughness dictated the research, said Prof. Dhanidharan.
Prof. Dharanidharan also advised Researcher’s to satisfy the methodology prescribed for each shastra, which can be understood as the anubhanda-chatushtayam (4 distinct prerequisites), namely Vishaya (Subject /Topic), Adhikaari (required candidature of the researcher), Sambandha (relationship between the candidate and the subject) and Prayojanam (purpose of the study /research). The research should also be not just towards gaining some knowledge, rather it should be useful for future research.
He also highlighted the two distinct Educational methods – 1) Where the knowledge seeker approaches the teacher /institution and not vice-versa and 2) The method of profound questioning oriented education as found in Upanishad, Bhagavadgita, Itihasa, etc.
Prof. JSRA Prasad, Head of the Department of Sanskrit Studies welcomed the speaker and presided over the session. In the end, Mr. Sivasenani, Research scholar thanked the speaker for his informative talk.