Mr. Susanta Kumar Sethy, pursuing PhD in the School of Economics at the University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been selected for the “Award for Excellence in Research” in the 6th South Asian Education Awards-2021 recently. He has been selected for this award for the contribution of research articles and books published in economics. Currently, he has been writing his PhD thesis under the supervision of Professor Phanindra Goyari of School of Economics, UoH.

Mr. Susanta Kumar Sethy

Currently, Mr. Susanta Kumar’s research interests are broadly in the areas of Development Economics, Issues of Indian Economy, Banking and Inclusive Finance. He has published more than 11 research articles in leading refereed national and international journals including International Journal of Social Economics, The Indian Economic Journal, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Indian Journal of Economics and Development, Productivity Journal, Journal of Digital Banking and Orissa Economic Journal. Till now, he has published two books: (a) Financial Inclusion: An Overview, and (b) Odisha Economy: Its Growing Dimensions (Academic Book for undergraduate students). He has presented more than 16 research papers in several national and international conferences including the 3rd International Research Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences at the University of Malaya, Malaysia, during November 9-10, 2018 and The World Finance and Banking Symposium, Thailand, December 14-15, 2017.

Susanta Kumar obtained his BA Economics (Major) degree from the Bhadrak Autonomous College, FM University in Odisha in 2009 and MA Economics from the University of Hyderabad in 2012. He also obtained the MPS (Master of Population Studies) degree from the International Institute for Population Studies, Mumbai in 2014. He obtained his MPhil degree in Economics in 2015 under the supervisions of Dr. Alok Kumar Mishra and Professor Debashis Achariya of School of Economics, UoH.