Ayoob Rahman working with Dr Arulmozi and Shivarama Padikkal, and Muhammed Vasil working with Dr V J Varghese and Shivarama Padikkal, both research scholars from the Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies (CALTS) are invited to present papers at the international conference on Canon and Censorship in the Islamic Intellectual and Theological History to be held in Berlin, jointly organized by the Humboldt, Frankfurt, and Fribourg Universities from on 8 – 10 October 2021.

Muhammed Vasil (left ) & Ayoob Rahman (right)
Vasil and Ayoob are the only scholars who have been selected for this conference from India. Vasil is presenting a paper on: “Translation as Mediation: First Malayalam Translation of the Quran and the Organised Contestations” and, Ayoob on “The Muhyiddīn Māla: Debating the Sacredness and the Profanity of a Canon.”
The conference, which is a culmination of two earlier workshops, will discuss the various aspects of canonization and censorship in Muslim societies from an interdisciplinary perspective. The conference is organized, and the proceedings will be edited by Mohammad Gharaibeh (Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin), Bacem Dziri (Institute for the Study of Islamic Culture and Religion at the Goethe University of Frankfurt) and Amir Dziri (Swiss Center for Islam and Society, University of Fribourg) in cooperation with the Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG).