Educationists at ‘Education – Today and Tomorrow’ seminar at University of Hyderabad (UoH) opined that producing critical specialists, researchers in R&D is need of the hour to enhance quality of education system in the country.


Developing education programs that can exercise thorough options in research, services and extensions which involve an interdisciplinary approach at different levels is required to produce critical specialists; researchers in R&D said National university of Education Planning and Administration, Department of Educational Finance Head, Professor Jandhyala Tilak on Wednesday at Humanities conference hall. “Ministry of Human Resource Department (MHRD) had introduced distance education programs 20 years ago and the quality of education imparted to knowledge seekers in the country is a question”, he said. Recent Statistics reveal that out of 20 million people, only two million people have access to education. He suggested the importance of using technology to widen the access of education to all strata of society.

Former Chair person, AP State Council of Higher Education, Professor Venu Gopal Reddy said, “There is a dearth in quality of education and training imparted to B Ed students as they are not trained properly in teaching mechanisms and lack knowledge. For this reason, University Grants Commission (UGC) had proposed ‘Inter University Centre’ to train teachers in universities which starts from June 2014”. The present existing education system had many loop holes which do not give the real essence of teaching, he added.


UoH, Vice chancellor, Ramakrishna Ramaswamy said, “When the university was set up in the Sixth plan period, it was anticipated to have a strength of 5000 students, even after 11th plan period we have not been able to reach the target. In the era, where we expect technology to conquer every aspect, it is now time for us to thinking radically to make education accessible to all areas in the country.” Ministry of Human Resource Department had asked central universities to set up MA in Education and we have been given the nod by UGC to set up 7 positions in the university three months ago, he added.

School of Management studies, UoH Professor and Registrar, B Raja Shekar spoke about accessing education without compromising quality. He said, “E- learning courses can be recorded and hosted on sites which will help the slow learners to understand the subject thoroughly.  This will help students to have a comprehensive learning during examinations”. A ground work is being done to introduce E-Learning concepts in the university and implement complete online admission application system. In future the semester examinations for the students in the university can be in online mode, he added.

University of Bath, Director of Learning and Teaching enhancement, Gwen Van Der Velden said that E- Learning is going to students and employees thus making them think differently unlike conventional education system where we have to go. In a recent survey, it is said that majority of students are prefer to virtual learning experience than class rooms, library and friend group studies, she said explaining a European view of how learning in universities is changing.


 By Amoga Laxmi Sukka, former Alumnus of UoH and presently correspondent at Metro India