Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hyderabad (UoH) said that the students and staff with disabilities studying or working in the University will get some facilities, to make their campus life a bit more easier. He was addressing the gathering of students, faculty and staff at the inauguration of a lift at the administration building on the campus.

The inauguration of the lift was done at the hands of Dr. Annavaram, Department of Sociology, and Dr. P.V. Sai Prasad, School of Computer & Information Sciences in the presence of Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. A C Narayana, Prof in-charge – UWD and other faculty, officers, staff and students. Prof. Appa Rao requested the engineering division to complete the installation of the remaining lifts at the earliest for the benefit of the University fraternity and visitors.

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This is as part of the funding given by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. As per the plan, 18 lifts will be installed in the 15 buildings, including academic, library and administration on the sprawling University campus. Each lift will have the provision to accommodate wheel chairs in accordance with the Bureau of Indian Standards. In addition, there will be fixtures such as auditory signals, Braille signage and accessible control panels and other works required to create a barrier-free environment and other facilities for students with disabilities that the University will take up.

This grant has come under the “Schemes of Implementation for Persons with Disability Act (SIPDA) (Equal Opportunities Protection of Rights and Full Participation Act, 1995).