Mrinnanda Bhattacharya, a final year IMSc student from the Department of Systems and Computational Biology, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH) has been invited to attend the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, taking place in Lindau, Germany, from 25th to 30th June 2023. This is a great opportunity for young researchers to meet and interact with the Nobel Laureates and pioneers of the field of science. She got selected to attend the one-week long meeting in the field of Physiology and Medicine, and was nominated by DST-Lindau.
She will attend talks, workshops and seminars by Nobel Laureates, and will get an exciting chance to interact with them. As an MSc student, such an opportunity will provide her an opportunity to learn from the greats in the field of science, and will inspire her to continue in this field for several years to come. This international conference will also allow her to meet and interact with many other talented students from around the world.
DST-Lindau, since 1951, is organizing ameeting with the Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine have been meeting in Lindau, Germany, to discuss major issues of importance in their respective fields with students from around the world