Parul Srivastava, pursuing Ph.D. at the Department of History, University of Hyderabad has been selected for the Summer School in Global Studies and Critical Theory on ‘Political Imagination After COVID: Life, Race, Technology, Abolition’. It is organized by the Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory, jointly promoted by the University of Virginia USA, Duke University USA, and the University of Bologna, Italy.

Parul Srivastava
The Summer School is conceived as an intellectual space for scholars coming from different research fields and geographical regions to work together on the redefinition of the humanities in a global age. The Academy is predicated on the assumption that the humanities and the interpretative social sciences need a global perspective in order to break down the “methodological nationalism” that has dominated them in the past and to envisage new interpretative categories.
Such an approach to the humanities and interpretative social sciences also implies a radical intermingling of different disciplines, traditions, and fields of critical thought, from critical marxism to postcolonial studies, cultural studies, and feminism, among others.
The Summer School will be held from June 21st to July 2nd, 2021.
Parul Srivastava, pursuing Ph.D. under the supervision of Dr. Y Swarupa R Shankar at the Department of History, University of Hyderabad and she is currently visiting the University of Massachusetts Amherst as a Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellow.