A workshop with the objective of assessing knowledge of, and thoughts about, how legal processes might affect medical decision making around mode of birth, and, especially, caesarean section under the Re-Judge Project was held on Sunday 24th July 2022 in the Zakir Hussain UPE Lecture Hall Complex.
Re-Judge Project supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aims at “Reducing Rates of Non-Medically Indicated Cesarean Sections Through an Open Access Multi-Media Evidence and Behavior Change Program for Lawyers and Judges”.
The School of Medical Sciences with the Principal Investigator, Prof. B.R. Shamanna is the primary Indian partner supported by the chief coordinating university – University of Central Lancashire, WHO, University of Dalhousie and Sao Paulo in Brazil with active support of Fernandez Foundation, Hyderabad.
About 20 eminent professionals from across India and the Telugu states comprising Obstetricians, Legal Professionals and Rights activists participated actively in a series of 2 workshops, followed by seminars to culminate in discussing about the process of development of an education and communication package to aid the legal profession on the project objective.
Mr. M.Sunny, Mr.Jirra Karthik, Ph.D scholars and Ms.Neelu Paleti Fulbright Student under Prof. B.R. Shamanna with support from the School of Medical Sciences staff organised the event and documented the day long proceedings.