With 3 successful start-up batches, Technology Business Incubator (TBI), University of Hyderabad (UoH), invites applications for its 4th batch of 6-month Training Program in Entrepreneurship & Start-up Management, jointly offered with The Entrepreneur Zone (TEZ). The program constitutes training/mentoring sessions complimented by incubation & support services to transform ideas into start-ups. The training focuses from ideation to starting-up and facilitates other support services – mentoring, prototyping, consultancy & funding. The program is relevant for new and family businesses. Aspiring entrepreneurs are invited to apply online at www.tez.co.in latest by 25th Nov, 2016 and the program begins in Jan 2017. For more information on the program write to info@tez.co.in or call 7382633197 / 8464057972.