The e-Learning Centre, University of Hyderabad (UoH) and Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi have jointly conducted Capacity Building Workshop on “e-Course Development using OER for Quality Learning” during 06-09 December, 2017 for UoH faculty. It was conducted under COL-CEMCA-UoH project on “Designing Integrated Education Model for HEIs in India: An Action-Outcome Study of UoH (2017-2020)”. The workshop was intended to enable teachers of the University of Hyderabad to understand the meaning, designing and development of e-Content. It will also focus on the standards of e-Content, learning objects, re-usability of e-Content, integrating contents into online platform and authoring tools. The workshop also introduces open educational resources, meaning and importance of various OER initiatives and creative common licensing. It was attended by 40 faculty from different disciplines. Speaking on the Inaugural function of the workshop Prof. B. P. Sanjay, Pro Vice-Chancellor has emphasized the need to promote Online Education in view of the recent initiatives of Govt. of India in this regard. He also launched University of Hyderabad MOODLE platform. Prof. J. Prabhakar Rao, Director, e-Learning Centre has narrated activities of the Centre and the goals of workshop.

Prof.B.P.Sanjay, Pro Vice-Chancellor is speaking at Inaugural Function of the Workshop
The training approach of the workshop was hands-on practice and also learning-by-doing. The day-I of the workshop was focused on changing course format and layout, start date, topics, CC by SA licensing, URL, multimedia content, create a course introductory video using Screencast-O-Matic etc.

Book release by Prof. Mohan B. Menon
The day-II of the workshop dealt with OER related concepts, CC licenses, finding OER, Reusing and Repurposing OER etc. The book on “Development and Implementation of OERs for Foreign Languages in Indian Context” which was edited by Prof.J.Prabhakar Rao and Mr.Ranjeev Ranjan was released on that day.

Participants at the Workshop
The day-III and IV of the workshop was focused on creating question bank, grading assignment, providing feedback, learning forms, standard forms, choice MOODLE, set up tab editing letter grades, post workshop test on MOODLE and OER etc. Prof. Mohan B. Menon, Former Director & Chief, UNESCO Education Programme for Pallestine Refugees, Amman, Jordan and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Wawasan Open University, Malaysia; Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Programme Officer, Education, CEMCA and Dr. Indira Koneru, Faculty Member, e-Learning Department, IFCAI were the resource persons for the workshop.

Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice-Chancellor, UoH is speaking in Valedictory Function
Speaking on the valedictory function Prof. Appa Rao Podile, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hyderabad has appreciated the Initiative of the Centre and mentioned briefly about the plans of the UoH on Online learning. He also distributed the certificates to the participants. Prof. J. Prabhakar Rao, Director, e-Learning Centre has explained the future activities of the Centre. Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi has mentioned the objectives of the COL-CEMCA-UoH project and summed up the outcomes of the workshop. The workshop was concluded with vote of thanks by Prof. Vasuki Belavadi, Deputy Director, e-Learning Centre.