The School of Computer and Information Science, University of Hyderabad (UoH) inaugurated on August 2, 2016, a course titled “Design of Algorithms for Big Data Analytics” sponsored by MHRD under a scheme on Global Initiative on Academic Network (GIAN). The course was inaugurated by Honourable Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Vipin Srivastava. Other dignitaries were Guest and Course Instructor Prof. Raj K. Bhatnagar, a Professor at University of Cincinnati, USA; Local GIAN coordinator Prof. Nirmal Viswanathan; Course Coordinator Prof. Arun Agarwal and Course Co-coordinator Prof. Rajeev Wankar. There are 50 participants (maximum allowed) who have registered for the GIAN course. Some of them are from various parts of the country like: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka, New Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, West Bengal etc.

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The term Big Data has become pervasive recently and denotes all the problems encountering in the storage, management, and analysis of the massive amounts of data. Businesses, Sciences, and Engineering are all becoming dependent on their ability to harness useful knowledge from these very large datasets.

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Computer hardware technologies have enabled very fast processors but the needs of processing Big Data surpass the capabilities of individual processors. Cloud computing technologies that enable thousands of processors to work in parallel to process huge datasets have emerged in last few years and are being adopted successfully by various users. However, there is a need to develop dedicated algorithms for various types of data processing needs in various scientific, engineering, and business domains. The topic of efficient algorithm design for Big Data environments is of extensive research for the last few years. The proposed course seeks to teach participants the various aspects of analyzing the huge datasets using the cloud infrastructure.